Zakres dat
Rezultatów: 13

Aktualności: Nabór wniosków do programu Kreatywna Europa
kreatywności;callCode=CREA-CULT-2023-COOP Działanie 1: Wspieranie ukraińskich artystów więcej

Aktualności: ŁBO - zapraszamy na sobotni dyżur informacyjny!
2021r. Godz. 12.00 - 15.00 Biuro Aktywności Miejskiej is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Budżet Obywatelski - Sobota ostatniej szansy! Time: May 29, 2021 12:00 PM Warsaw Join Zoom Meeting więcej

Aktualności: Study visit of the “ Young Generation Will Change Ukraine” program
Ukraine visited the City of Łódź Office. This was one of the five days points of stay in Poland. Topic of the meeting in the Economic Development Office and International Cooperation in City of Łódź Office więcej

Aktualności: Delegation from Łódź in Lyon
between Łódź and Lyon. During the meeting with the Vice Mayor of the Lyon Metropolis, has been raised topic of expanding cooperation in the organization of the Festival of Light, including new solutions and więcej

Aktualności: Partner cities of Łódź officially support our efforts for Expo 2022
a city that is teeming with life and is an attractive tourist destination. For us at Tampere the topic of revitalization is also very current. We believe that organization of the Expo 2022 exhibition in więcej
Oferty pracy
NLP (Natural Language Processing) Analizowanie tekstu i wydobywanie informacji (sentiment analysis, topic classification, knowledge graphs, entity recognition) Wykrywanie podobieństw pomiędzy tekstami Tłumaczenie więcej

Aktualności: Visit of Flanders Government's Representative
Government was interested in how Łódź manages European funds as their largest beneficiary in Poland. The topic of overcoming the pandemic crisis was also raised, not only in the sphere of economy but also in the więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Łódź
possibility of establishing and extending cooperation between Łódź and Italian universities. This topic was later continued during the meeting with representatives of Łódź universities and entrepreneurs więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of Ireland in Łódź
discussed included the city's activities in promoting tolerance and combating all discrimination. This topic was also discussed during the meeting with the Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of the City of Łódź for [...] discussed included the city's activities in promoting tolerance and combating all discrimination. This topic was also discussed during the meeting with the Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of the City of Łódź for więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic
of the University of Łódź. During the meeting with Vice Mayor Adam Wieczorek, the most important topic of the conversation was revitalization and related challenges. His Excellency Ivan Jestřáb shared [...] Municipal Office experience in this field from Prague and other Czech cities. Was also discussed the topic of economic cooperation between Poland and Czech Republic, as well as possible partnership cooperation więcej