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Rezultatów: 4020
Strony: Teatr Komedii Impro
i, traktorami lub dzikimi zwierzętami. 24 marca, niedziela, godz. 20:00 Andrzej Poniedzielski The Best Of Wieczór kabaretowy Mistrz inteligentnej satyry z programem kabaretowym złożonym z najbardziej zabawnych więcej
Wydarzenia: 2022 Łódź Summer Tours with an English speaking guides
12 PM at the Tourist Information Center in Łódź (Piotrkowska 28). The last walk will take place on 24th of September . During the English-spoken tour, the guides will talk about: the story of Poznanski’s [...] family textile empire, the complicated history of the Old Town, street art in Łódź – murals and art installations, Łódź as a multi-ethnic and multi-religious city, Piotrkowska, the queen of Polish streets and [...] magical courtyards. The cost is PLN 20 per person (50% discount for children from 4 to 18 years old). Tickets can be purchased at the Łódź Tourist Information (Piotrkowska 28) on the day of the walk or a few więcej
Strony: Little Panda Reporters w Łodzi. Młodzi dziennikarze z Chengdu zwiedzają nasze miasto
and Television University Sichuan University of Science and Engineering Chengdu Technological University University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu Institute Sichuan International [...] Chengdu 08.01.2019 12:17 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą Aktualności kulturalne Ośmiometrowy krąg - "The Ring" autorstwa Jarosława Borka z łódzkiej ASP powstał w ramach festiwalu rzeźbiarskiego miast partnerskich [...] partnerskich. Symbolizuje współpracę pomiędzy Łodzią i chińskim Chengdu. 4 zdjęcia ZOBACZ ZDJĘCIA (4) 'The Ring" tworzą dwa półokręgi, pomiędzy którymi jest wolna przestrzeń metaforycznie dedykowana cz łowiekowi więcej
Strony: Artyści LSF 2024
cover klasyka Kate Bush “Running Up that Hill”, a także takie hity jak “Song to say goodbye” czy “The Bitter End”. 28 LIPCA | NIEDZIELA BAJM to zespół stworzony w Lublinie przez B eatę Kozidrak, A ndrzeja [...] platyną. Mają na koncie 4 mln sprzedanych płyt, 31 sierpnia 2018 ukazał się dwupłytowy album “Best of” zawierający największe przeboje zespołu, wydany z okazji 40-lecia istnienia BAJMu. Beata Kozidrak [...] przyznawanej przez Akademię Fonograficzną. Występowała na wielu zagranicznych festiwalach jak SXSW, The Great Escape, Sziget oraz na największych scenach polskich festiwali. Największą popularność przyniósł więcej
Strony: Twórcy związani z Łodzią
prestiżowych nagród literackich, Book Award (1969), otrzymał też wyróżnienia National Institute of Arts and Letters (1970) oraz Le Prix du Meilleur Livre Etranger (1966). Zbigniew Nienacki Urodził się [...] Filmowej, Telewizyjnej i Teatralnej im. Leona Schillera w Łodzi, Wydziale Animacji University College of Arts Crafts and Design Konstfack w Sztokholmie w Szwecji i Uniwersytecie Harvarda w USA. Przez wiele [...] i fabularne), w Polsce kojarzony z tzw. kinem moralnego niepokoju. Laureat nagrody BAFTA za film "The Betrayed" (1996). Wybrana filmografia: "Życiorys" (1975, reż. Krzysztof Kieślowski), "Szpital" (1976 więcej
Aktualności: Festival of Partner Cities in Szeged
category for the photo presenting the Museum of Art in Łódź, was a great success.One of the main attractions of the Festival of the City of Szeged is the Bridge Fair (Hídvásár), organized on the Belvarosi [...] expression.At the exhibition you can admire the works of the pupils of the photography studio of the Julian Tuwim Palace of Youth in Łódź.Weronika Materka, who received the gold medal in the photography [...] which presented the works of art of the winners of the art competition “ The uniqueness of my city “.Youth and teachers from Szeged and partner cities presented their cities through any form of artistic expression więcej
Aktualności: Delegation from Łódź in Lyon
care to the needs of residents and as a result better respond to the needs of society. The General Consul of the Republic of Poland in Lyon declared her support in organizing the Light Festival. The Consul [...] with the Vice Mayor of the Lyon Metropolis, has been raised topic of expanding cooperation in the organization of the Festival of Light, including new solutions and technologies with the participation [...] his speech presented the assumptions and current statistics on the “ Civil Budget” program, which has significantly contributing to improve the quality of the life of the inhabitants of our city since 2014 więcej
Aktualności: Georgian delegation visiting Łódź
projects in the field of culture, education and business. A delegation of 10, headed by the Mayor of Rustavi, also visited Łódź in 2018. At that time, the subject of the talks was mainly the Łódź revitalization [...] The Georgian delegation was met by the city's Vice Mayor Krzysztof Piątkowski and the Chairman of the City Council, Marcin Gołaszewski. The talks focused on the possibilities of deepening business cooperation [...] concert of Georgian music by the band Reggaeon - Partner Cities Forum Actions taken in Rustavi are: - Participation in the Festival of the City of Rustavi - participation of delegations in the VI European więcej
Office of the City of Łódź Office, the organization of the seminar was also possible thanks to: the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, the Łódź Chamber of Industry and Commerce and our Irish partners: the [...] Products. In the last part of the seminar, the participants talked about intelligent solutions for cities, as well as the Irish and Łódź experiences. Mr. Maciej Riemer, Director of the Department of Ecology [...] opened by the vice-president of the City of Łódź, Mr. Adam Pustelnik, and the Ambassador of Irland to Poland, H.E. Emer O'Connell. Apart from the Economic Development and International Cooperation Office więcej
Aktualności: ACTE celebrates the Annual General meeting 2018 in Igualada (Barcelona, Spain)
including: on the renovation of the Statutes as well as on the election of a new member to lead the Working Group of European Projects - Spanish Fitex. The Annual General Meeting also gave all members the opportunity [...] Guests were invited to a rehearsal of Moixiganguers d’Igualada, the association of human towers of the city of Igualada. ACTE members also approved the time and venue of the next General Meeting to be held [...] Carlson (City of Boras) The network’s Executive Committee had its first meeting this year on the same days. During the meeting, the Committee made several decisions regarding the future of the network, including: więcej